Hi all Neil here with a guide on how I painted up my Alarith Stoneguard for my growing Lumineth army. This is more of a post for myself to be able to find how I did them in future but if you want to find out the colours I used to do them then that's all below.
The Cambridge Warlords
24 November 2021
12 October 2021
To Bring The Dawn: A Lord Regent's Companions
Hi all it's Neil here with another post about my Lumineth tale of five warlords force. This post will be about both month two and three's unit as the month two unit got delayed considerably (I finished it with 3 days left in month 3). These units are 5 Vanari Dawnriders who will be my Lord Regents compaions for my path to glory force and a Scinari Loreseeker, who in the background for my force is the brother of the Lord Regent.
21 September 2021
For the Lion: Holding the Line
Hi all it's Neil here with a new post for my For The Lion series showing my latest unit of Intercessors and some pictures from my first game post codex supplement. These Intercessors help build up the core of my Dark Angels force. Intercessors form a good core able to shoot well, fight in melee and control objectives though they're not the best at any being generalists rather than specialists.
10 August 2021
To Bring the Dawn: Recruiting the Core
Hi all its Neil here with the units for my first month of our Age of Sigmar group project, the Lord Regent to lead my force and a unit of 10 Vanari Wardens to form the core of my Lumineth. Here are these completed units.
27 July 2021
Casting Off: Initial Engagement
Hi all it's Neil here with a new Casting off post for Victory at Sea. Its been a while since my last post mostly due to a lack of releases for my Royal Navy and a shift in what I've been painting and playing but I did recently-ish get my first actual game in with fellow warlord Tom. I'm not going to go into super detail about, rather I'll give my takes on how I felt the game played.
12 July 2021
To Bring the Dawn: Taking the Coin Malleus
Hi all it's Neil here with a post about a new group project that we've just started here at The Cambridge Warlords. This new project is kick started by the release of the new 3rd edition for Age of Sigmar (and by the returning ability to game). It's a tale of four gamers style project so each month we'll be painting up 1-2 boxes/units of miniatures to build up an army and playing games of increasing scope as we paint along together.
21 June 2021
Painting Guide: Neil's Lumineth Realmlords; Vanari Warden
Hi all it's Neil here with a post that is going to link with an upcoming series. I've decided to do a new Lumineth force for the imminent version 3 of Age of Sigmar and thought I'd document my painting steps mostly for myself but so that it's out there if anyone wants to copy (I'd be flattered if you did). So here is the finished Vanari Warden to show the steps for this section of my Lumineth Realmlords force.
15 June 2021
WW3: Team Yankee - Faction Focus: West German - Part 2: Support Units
8 June 2021
For The Lion: Armour Inbound
Hi all it's Neil here with a new post for my For The Lion series where I'm showing my Gladiator tank to you. The Gladiator is one of the latest vehicle releases for the space marines and is basically the Predator version of the Impulsor with a turret weapon and two sponsons. The addition to my Dark Angels give me more anti-tank or anti-infantry options depending on which variant I use.
1 June 2021
WW3: Team Yankee - Faction Focus: West German - Part 1: Formations
Hi all it's Neil here with some more WW3 Team Yankee as there's been some NATO reinforcements with the release of the new West German book. As in my previous factions focuses I'll start my looking at the formations in this post then part 2 will look at the units you can bring to support them. I'm still a new player so I wouldn't be going into much in the way of competitiveness or list building in these but I am planning on doing some in the future after I get to play a bit more. My hope is that these faction focuses will help new players like myself in picking a faction in the game to play as well as getting a bit of an overview of what you might be facing from the others too. So lets get to it now and have a look at the West German formations.
Painting Guide: Neil's Alarith Stoneguard
Hi all Neil here with a guide on how I painted up my Alarith Stoneguard for my growing Lumineth army. This is more of a post for myself to...
As I mentioned in a recent post , I've begun painting a small collection of Necrons in the Tsarakura Dynasty colours. It's been a l...
Hi all it's Neil here and welcome back to my WW3: Team Yankee series. This is going to be Part 1 of my look at the new US book. In thi...
Hi all, its Neil here and welcome back to my WW3 Team Yankee series. Today I though that I'd share a bit about the game itself for thos...