30 January 2021
Blood of the Angel; Part 5 - Reinforcements from the Indomitus Crusade
29 January 2021
Hobby Home Improvements: From Citadel Pots to Dropper Bottles; The How and Why
26 January 2021
Casting Off: Pride of the Fleet
Hi all its Neil here with a new post for Casting Off. In this post I will talk about HMS Hood as I've painted up the model and I will give a bit of the Hoods history and involvement in WW2. In previous posts I've given my theory on how the ship type would work in game but as I did that in the post about the HMS Duke of York so instead I though that now I have three different battleships for the Royal Navy I will compare the three.
19 January 2021
Xenos on Crusade: Neil the Devourer; Hive Fleet Lindworm Finale
18 January 2021
Genesis of a Chapter; The Lament of Angels, Part 1 by Medge
12 January 2021
Casting Off: Eagle in Flight
Hi all its Neil here with another Casting Off post for Victory at Sea. This post will look at HMS Eagle, the first aircraft carrier for my Royal Navy fleet and some Swordfish for it to launch. I will also have a look at what HMS Eagle did in WW2, how aircraft carriers were used in WW2 and how I see their use in the game.
11 January 2021
James Hobby Projects: Azyrite Township (Warcry Starter Terrain)
3 January 2021
James' Hobby Year in Review - The Highs, The Lows and Plans for 2021
1 January 2021
A 2020 Retrospective; Medge's Year in review, and plans for 2021
Painting Guide: Neil's Alarith Stoneguard
Hi all Neil here with a guide on how I painted up my Alarith Stoneguard for my growing Lumineth army. This is more of a post for myself to...
As I mentioned in a recent post , I've begun painting a small collection of Necrons in the Tsarakura Dynasty colours. It's been a l...
Hi all Neil here with something new. This is the first post about my Necromunda gang for which I've chosen to go with Palanite Enforcer...
Hi all it's Neil here and welcome back to my WW3: Team Yankee series. This is going to be Part 1 of my look at the new US book. In thi...