Hi all it's Neil here with another post about Victory at Sea from Warlord Games. In this post I'll take a look at my first model for the game, the Royal Navy battleship HMS Warspite. I will take a look at the model pieces itself and then show how I've painted it up (plus there are even be some small bits about the real Warspite's history with the Royal Navy).
30 October 2020
27 October 2020
For the Greater Good; Part Four - A Xenos Project by Medge
T'au Va fellow hobbyists! And Welcome Back to "For the Greater Good" - a hobby blog following my journey as I collect and learn the Tau Empire for Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition.
Part three of the series took a long time to come out; personal issues, lockdown-induced hobby burnout and a losing streak really stealing my enthusiasm for the Tau.
On the back of some pretty terrible performances I decided to step away from the Crusade format for a bit and take a week to reflect on the Tau; what I enjoyed, what I didn't, and what I wanted to do with the army.
Without having to worry about filling a Crusade roster or painting things up for games my mojo for painting returned, and I started working the my backlog and planning next steps...
19 October 2020
For the Greater Good; Part 3. A Xenos Crusade Update by Medge
T'au Va fellow hobbyists! And Welcome Back to "For the Greater Good" - a hobby blog following my journey as I collect and learn the Tau Empire in the new Crusade format for Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition.
It's been a looong time since I last posted anything - part 2 of this series was way back at the beginning of August!
It's been a busy and chaotic few months, with both real life and hobby related issues draining me of a lot of my motivation. I've stumbled through snatching time here and there to paint, trying to keep any hobby going. Fortunately things have turned a bit of a corner - I hit a big milestone with the Tau and am starting to get a little more of my mojo back.
There's been a bit too much going on to wrap it all up into a single blog post, so I'll tackle August-September below and follow up with September-October next time!
8 October 2020
Xenos on Crusade: Neil the Devourer; Hive Fleet Lindworm Month 4
Hi all it's Neil the Devourer here with another update on my Tyranids from Hive Fleet Lindworm for our Xenos on Crusade group project. The hive fleet has expanded again and gained a Tyranid Warrior brood, a Hive Guard brood, a Zoanthrope brood as well as a Neurothrope and Tyranid Prime to lead them. This means that I can play with some more medium infantry as well as some much needed ranged options in the Hive Guard with their gun and their Wizard Bugs with their brain blasts.
1 October 2020
Casting Off: A Look At Victory at Sea from Warlord Games
Hi all it's Neil here and today I'm going to look at a new game from Warlord Games, Victory at Sea. Victory at Sea is a WW2 Naval Fleet Combat game where both sizes field ships from destroyers all the way up to battleships and aircraft carriers. It uses 1/1800th scale ships and aircraft as the gaming pieces. It has the feel of a very characterful rules set similar in feel along with some vibes of World of Warships for those that have played. The rules out at the moment are not the full set rather they're basically starter rules so miss out some parts (even though they're referenced in this rulebook). In this post I'm going to take a look at the available rules and at one of the available models from Warlord Games.
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Painting Guide: Neil's Alarith Stoneguard
Hi all Neil here with a guide on how I painted up my Alarith Stoneguard for my growing Lumineth army. This is more of a post for myself to...
As I mentioned in a recent post , I've begun painting a small collection of Necrons in the Tsarakura Dynasty colours. It's been a l...
Hi all Neil here with something new. This is the first post about my Necromunda gang for which I've chosen to go with Palanite Enforcer...
Hi all it's Neil here and welcome back to my WW3: Team Yankee series. This is going to be Part 1 of my look at the new US book. In thi...