7 October 2019

Tales from the Tabletop - Fun'N'Fluff 1500pts Tournament Update #1

Hey everyone and welcome to the first of two updates I'll be doing on my preparation for the Fun'N'Fluff 1500 point tournament at the end of October. The event is built around bringing a fluffy and more relaxed list and trying to have as much fun as possible. You can see my initial post here detailing what I needed to get done by the end of September. So then how did it go and am I on track?

My goal for September was to get my last Allarus Custodian painted as well as my final Shield Captain. As you can see from the above picture I managed to do just that! 

First up the last Allarus Custodian that at last I've finally managed to get completed! Now that I've painted a few of these models I've gotten a good system set up to get them finished. Something I started to do was break the model down into sections and focus on just painting that area before moving on. For the Allarus that meant getting the base painted separately, then the skirt (as I'd left them all detached) before moving onto the lower half of the model, then the upper half and finally the Castellan Axe. Breaking the model down just helped me get through small sections every day which added up over time, rather than trying to do an entire colour in one go and losing motivation as it felt like I wasn't getting anywhere.

After that it was onto my Shield Captain in Allarus Armour. This guy is the final of my three Shield Captains and, like the others, was great fun to paint. There's some small points on the model that marks him out as a Shield Captain such as the pauldrons and elaborate armour apron. I'm happy with the finished model as I feel like I've really gotten the hang of layering on all my colours and creating a smooth blend on areas like the axe head.

I have however noticed I need to go back in and add a final sharp highlight along the edges of the axes, as well as a small amount of freehand on the inside of the skirt to make it more visually interesting.

Once I finished off the Allarus I spent the first week of October going back and redoing some of the bases on my original models as they didn't quite match up with the latest ones. With those all done I'm now moving onto the next and final set of models I need to get done by the end of the month - three Custodian Guard

These guys are the last of my troop choices and will complete the tournament army as well as bringing me up to over 2000 points of painted Custodes, which is a great thing to be able to say. 

So that's it for this month. I've hit the goals I needed to and I've got three weeks to get three models done. Perfectly achievable, even for me...... right?

Until next time,



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Siph. Seeing the whole army together is a nice feeling. The end is in sight!


Painting Guide: Neil's Alarith Stoneguard

 Hi all Neil here with a guide on how I painted up my Alarith Stoneguard for my growing Lumineth army.  This is more of a post for myself to...